Bring Our Experiences to High-Value Legal Services
Our professionals are experienced in a wide range of Intellectual Property Legal practice areas and work very closely with clients. Using our experience and knowledge, our professionals will build and protect your high valued IP assets.
Our Attorneys have experience in Patent Procurement and Licensing Strategy; long history with the AT&T/Lucent Family of Companies both as In-house counsels and outside counsels. Our Attorneys have served as Chief IP counsel for various large and small companies.
Our professionals bring litigation and licensing knowledge to patent preparation and prosecution to draft claims that are appropriately broad, defendable, and assertable. Also, our professionals bring technical knowledge to Patent Preparation and Prosecution to draft specifications that are properly enabled and reach wide areas of technology. Our professions bring In-house counsel experience to provide better Outside Counsel Services to In-house Counsels. Our professionals help your company to build and maintain quality IP assets by providing counsel for all aspects of IP matters as required by helping set up an efficient patent procurement process tailored to each client, providing quality preparation and prosecution services by understanding costs and ultimate corporate goals for the Client’s IP, and with our unique background knowledge, work with the Client to identify important patents and generate licensing portfolios.